Graphic Novel Review: Supergirl Vol. 5: Red Daughter of Krypton by Michael Alan Nelson

May 6, 2019


Supergirl Vol. 5: Red Daughter of Krypton by Michael Alan Nelson (illustrated by Chad Hardin, Diogenes Neves, Various, and Paulo Siqueira) is a graphic novel featuring it’s title heroine who joined the Red Lantern Corps. This graphic novel collects Supergirl #21-25, and Action Comics #23.

  • 256 pages
  • Publisher : DC Comics
  • Language : English
  • ISBN-10 : 9781401250515

Graphic Novel Review: Supergirl Vol. 5: Red Daughter of Krypton by Michael Alan Nelson
My rating for Supergirl Vol. 5: Red Daughter of Krypton5
Buy Supergirl Vol. 5: Red Daughter of Krypton from*

More Books by Michael Alan Nelson*


I didn’t read the previous Supergirl books, so I have no idea why Kara Zor-El is so angry. Frankly though, I don’t care since it’s not really necessary to know all the details, which, in true comic book form, I’m sure are convoluted and contrived.
All I know is that she is in full rage mode until she finally snaps and becomes a Red Lantern, and it seems like that’s all I needed to know.

The writers introduce Lobo into the graphic novel Supergirl Vol. 5: Red Daughter of Krypton by Michael Alan Nelson (illustrated by Chad Hardin, Diogenes Neves, and Paulo Siqueira), a fascinating story which really moves the story forward and not just a cheap trick to use a popular character. The Lobo story line helps the narrative smoothly transition from a Supergirl, to a Red Lantern Supergirl.

I enjoyed the art, it was consistent, expressive and move the story along without distractions or getting in the way. This was a really fun comic, but for all its length and great story telling… we don’t get the ending!


The New 52 Supergirl hates everyone. It is no wonder that the Red Lantern ring finally found her, creating one of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe.

Buy Supergirl Vol. 5: Red Daughter of Krypton from*
More Books by Michael Alan Nelson*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got this book for free.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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Supergirl Vol. 5: Red Daughter of Krypton by Michael Alan Nelson
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Supergirl Vol. 5: Red Daughter of Krypton by Michael Alan Nelson

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Supergirl Vol. 5: Red Daughter of Krypton by Michael Alan Nelson

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