Graphic Novel Review: Petrograd by Philip Gelatt (art by Tyler Crook)

March 4, 2012

Article first published asGraphic Novel Review:Petrogradby Philip Gelatt (art by Tyler Crook)on Blogcritics.

Petrograd by Philip Gelatt (art by Tyler Crook) is a graphic novel about an assassination. The graphic novels tells about an international conspiracy behind the murder of Gregorii Rasputin.

  • 264 pages
  • Publisher:Oni Press
  • ISBN:1934964441

My rating for Petrograd – 5

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More books by Tyler Crook

The graphic novel Petrograd by Philip Gelatt (art by Tyler Crook) is more of a historical thriller than anything else. The death of Gregorii Rasputin has generated much controversy at the time and many more conspiracy theories which are always fun and supply fodder for authors.

The story, while fictional, seems realistic enough to have actually happen (almost). Somehow Mr. Crook took the blightedatmosphere which authors try very hard to create and drew it. While I’m sure that many creative licenses were taken, as they are in every historical novel, I still enjoyed the story immensely.

But don’t let the words “graphic novel” fool you.Petrograd takes historical facts (as seen by Americans) and re-tells the story in the format of an espionage thriller. The sepia tones of the artwork well match the grayness of the spy world where the line between good and bad is impossible to distinguish.

The narrative is fast paced and efficient. Mr. Gelatt works around the era it is designed to introduce, but does not get too bogged down. What I really loved about the book that Rasputin, while a major player in the book, is always on the sidelines of the story but influences almost every action of every character. There are some complex issues introduced in the book (hunger, despair, monarchy, revolution and more) but the story manages to address them without lecturing.

The art in the graphic novel is both bleak and gorgeous. The pictures, mostly in sepia tones tell the story in vivid detail and compliment the espionage aspect of the book. As in every successful graphic novels, the combination of art and words complimenting each other is done magnificently with care and attention to detail.

The packaging itself is well done and worthy of the price tag. The hard cover makes a wonderful presentation, the pages are on thick paper, printed clearly and are a pleasure to read and look through.

So tell me, do you enjoy historical graphic novels?

World War I is ravaging the world. Hunger, depression and despair reign while only hard core revolutionaries at the bottom of the food chain and those in the upper echelons of government cling to a drop of hope.

The powers that be think that Rasputin is urging the royal family to make a separate peace pact withGermany, which will free them to fight the war againstEngland. Cleary, an unenthusiastic English spy is stationed inRussiaand has been given the most difficult assignment of his career: plan and devise the assassination of Gregorii Rasputin, the most trusted advisor of the Tsarina.

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More books by Philip Gelatt
More books by Tyler Crook

Zohar – Man of la Book
Disclaimer: I got this book for free from Oni Press

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  • Carol WongMarch 4, 2012 at 9:55 am

    I love graphic novels. The only bad thing is that I haven’t found many of them. Great post.

  • C.E. HartMarch 4, 2012 at 11:07 am

    I’ve never read a graphic novel. lol

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