Graphic Novel Review: Dark Nights: Metal by Scott Snyder

August 12, 2019


Dark Nights: Metal by Scott Snyder (illustrated by Greg Capullo), Batman story, is the last issue which times up the Metal story-line, but opens up new options for the future. This graphic novel collects Dark Nights: Metal #1-6.

  • 216 pages
  • Publisher: DC Comics; Deluxe edition
  • Language:English
  • ISBN-10:9781401277321

Graphic Novel Review: Dark Nights: Metal by Scott Snyder
My rating for Dark Nights: Metal3
Buy Dark Nights: Metalfrom*
More Books by Scott Snyder*


This is one strange, weird graphic novel, the story is very outlandish with art to match. I can assure you that this graphic novel will not appeal to anyone, but my hat’s off for trying something new and different.

In Dark Nights: Metal by Scott Snyder (illustrated by Greg Capullo), some of the minor characters get to shine. The whole plot hinges on Hawkman (Carter Hall), which I used to love as a child, but now I could take him or leave him (based on the story). It was cool to see the cameo from the Vertigo line, but it was almost a waste. As if to say “here, we used him” without any other reason.

I did have a tough time following the story, it was somewhat cluttered and there are many, many characters, events, metals, and groups who form to get the Nth metal and save the world. It was difficult to keep track and whenever the story got stuck, presto another magical element /metal shows up.
As in many adventures stories, sometimes the quest is the interesting part, not necessarily the conclusion.

I really enjoyed about the different versions of hybrid/evil Batmen, they were an interesting bunch and The Batman Who Laughs made an excellent villain, which got his at the end.

This graphic novel is over top, but you can tell that Mr. Snyder had a great time telling this story. Sure it’s nonsensical (Batmanium???), but he certainly loves these characters and it comes though.


The Dark Knights, a twisted version of Batman, come out of a door between worlds. Batman is trapped in the Dark Multiverse and the Justice League must go and find the metals which can win the war against the Dark Knights and Barbatos, their master.

Buy Dark Nights: Metalfrom*
More Books by Scott Snyder*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I borrowed this book from a friend.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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Dark Nights: Metal by Scott Snyder

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