Captain America: Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection by Ed Brubaker (illustrated by Steve Epting, Mike Perkins and Michael Lark) is a graphic novel from Marvel about Captain America. This graphic novel collects Captain America #1-9, and #11-14.
- 304 pages
- Publisher: Marvel
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0785143416
My rating for Captain America: Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection –5
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I have never been a huge Captain America fan, even though I enjoyed the comics every now and then, especially the run in the late 90s, early 2000s. I never liked kid sidekicks, so I never invested anytime reading about Bucky and the Winter Soldier until the movie opened my eyes.
I actually checked out the graphic novel Captain America: Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection by Ed Brubaker (illustrated by Steve Epting, Mike Perkins and Michael Lark) from our local library for my daughter who is a fan of Bucky Barnes, or more so Sebastian Stan, the actor who portrays him. As it turns out, it’s more Mr. Stan than Bucky since I ended up reading this graphic novel and returning it to the library.
Her loss.
I really enjoyed the backstory of Bucky, the writer made him much more of a badass than what I imagined (Bucky, not the Winter Soldier). The writing is solid, entertaining, and the story is lots of fun.
The Soviets employed a super-powered undercover assassin known as The Winter Soldier. The main job of The Winter Soldier is to assassinated western political figures. The West believes that this man is Bucky Barnes, Captain America’s previous partner.
BuyCaptain America: Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection from Amazon.com*
More Books by Ed Brubaker
Zohar — Man of la Book
Disclaimer:I got this book from the local library.
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