Giveaway (Over): Signed Copy of Failing at Fatherhood by Jack Barr

October 14, 2014

Failing at Fatherhood: A Book for the Imperfect Father shares the struggles the author endured when his first child was born with Down syndrome. In this book he examines the past, present, and future of my life in an attempt to understand his deficiencies as a father. Mr. Barr also analyzes views of fatherhood and how misconceptions have led us to a society of men who often abandon their own children. Finally, the author wrestle with child sexual abuse, divorce, contemplating suicide, and the existence of God in my own life.

The author has made available a signed copy of his book to two (2) winners. Enter using the Rafflecopter form below.

Failing at fatherhood

What some are saying about “Failing At Fatherhood”

“Heartbreaking yet hopeful, Failing at Fatherhood is a compelling, honest look at one man’s struggle to become the father that he wants to be.”
– S. A. Bodeen Award Winning Children Author / Author of The Compound

“Raw. Emotional. Honest. That’s Jack Barr, wearing his emotions on his sleeve, in his book Failing at Fatherhood. If you’ve ever been traumatized by the birth of an imperfect baby, if you’ve ever found yourself in the pit of despair questioning God and wondering how you will cope, the story of Jack, his wife Jana, and their precious little Marley will not only touch your heart, it will wrench it.
– Dr. Woodrow Kroll Former President and Senior Bible Teacher of

“It reminds us of the important calling we have as dads, especially in the 21st Century when fathers are less and less a part of the family and contribute less and less to helping our kids grow to be responsible, mature, Christian adults.”
– Bob Russell Retired Senior Minister, Southeast Christian Church


  • Give­away ends: October 21, 2014

  • US/Canada Ship­ping Addresses Only

  • NoPOBoxes

  • Win­ners will have 24 hours to write back with their address, oth­er­wise an alter­nate win­ner will be picked

Congratulations: gunaddit1776@, bencanada1@

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One Comment

  • Sharon HenningOctober 14, 2014 at 9:51 pm

    This sounds like a great book. I hope it has a dynamic impact on people. Considering that the statistics show that over 90% of pregnancies testing positive for Downs Syndrome are terminated, I’m glad to see a couple stand up for these beautiful, only different, people.

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