Fun Facts Friday: Ian Fleming

May 28, 2021
Article first published as Fun Facts Friday: Ian Fleming on 29 May, 2015

Ian Fleming (28 May, 1908 – 12 August, 1964) is a British writer best known for creating the superspy James Bond, Agent 007.

Default TitleBooks by Ian Fleming*

Fun Facts about Ian Fleming:

  1. Fleming’s father, Valentine, was killed in World War I, one week before Ian turned 9. A fellow offer and friend by the name of Winston Churchill wrote his obituary.
  2. Fleming wa a stock broker by trade.
  3. During World War II Fleming was the assistant to the Royal Navy’s Director of Naval Intelligence and eventually earned the rank of Commander (James Bond’s naval rank). He also wrote a memorandum detailing how to set up the CIA.
  4. Fleming’s book collection is now at Indiana University.
  5. The James Bond series’ main villain, Ernst Stavro Blofeld and Ian Fleming share the same birthday.
  6. Napoleon Solo, fictional star of the TV series The Man from U.N.C.L.E. was named by Ian Fleming. Fleming also named The Girl from U.N.C.L.E., April Dancer.
  7. Fleming was a strong proponent of road safety and was instrumental in the creation of better road signs.
  8. Fleming took two months off every year to retreat to his home in Jamaica, named GoldenEye, to write a James Bond novel.
  9. Ian Fleming wrote a story for his son, Caspar, which was published in three volumes. The story was the classic Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
  10. Fleming was an avid bird watcher, and had a book on his table called Peterson Field Guide To Birds Of The West Indies by an ornithologist named… James Bond. Mr. Fleming felt free to borrow the name. When Fleming contacted the author about using his name, Mr. Bond replied that he was “fine with it”. In the movie Die Another Day, actor Pierce Brosnan can be seen examining the book.

Books by Ian Fleming*

Zohar – Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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Fun Facts Friday: Ian Fleming
Ian Fleming (28 May, 1908 – 12 August, 1964) is a British writer best known for creating the superspy James Bond, Agent 007.
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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