Fun Facts Friday: H. P. Lovecraft

August 20, 2021

H. P. Lovecraft(20 August, 1890 – 15 March, 1937) was an American writer known for horror fiction and spectacular monsters.

Fun Facts Friday: H. P. Lovecraft
Books by H. P. Lovecraft*

Fun Facts about H. P. Lovecraft

  1. The author was born as Howard Philips Lovecraft in Providence, RI. He was the only child of Winfield Scott and Sarah Susan Lovecraft.
  2. At the age of three, the young author was already proficient in reading and writing.
  3. In 1893 Winfield Scott Lovecraft was committed to Butler Hospital in Providence for doing and saying strange things. He spent five years in the institution before passing away.
  4. In 1919 his mother Sarah Susan, was committed to Butler as well.
  5. H.P. Lovecraft loved astronomy, chemistry and goth authors. Unfortunately he never finished high school due to a “nervous breakdown”.
  6. He studied both science and astronomy on his own, and routinely sleep late. As a result he rarely left the house before sunset.
  7. The editor of Weird Tales asked Lovecraft to write a column as if he was Harry Houdini. As a person of great imagination, Lovecraft wrote “Under the Pyramids” which, although completely false, delighted the magician. The two remained friends until Lovecraft’s death.
  8. A prolific writer, it is estimated that Mr. Lovecraft wrote 100,000 letters during his lifetime, second only to Voltaire.
  9. Arkham Asylum, where Batman puts Gotham City’s villains, was inspired by HP Lovecraft stories, Arkham being the name of the fictional city many of his stories take place.
  10. In 1937 HP Lovecraft died of cancer of the small intestine.

Books by H. P. Lovecraft*

Zohar – Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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Fun Facts Friday: H. P. Lovecraft
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Fun Facts Friday: H. P. Lovecraft
H. P. Lovecraft (20 August, 1890 – 15 March, 1937) was an American writer known for horror fiction and spectacular monsters.
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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