Fun Facts Friday: Frank Marshall Davis

December 31, 2021

Frank Marshall Davis (31 December, 1905 – 26 July, 1987) was an African-American poet, as well as a journalist. Mr. Davis’ poet protested the racial inequality of the 1930s and 40s.

Fun Facts Friday: Frank Marshall Davis
Books by Frank Marshall Davis*

Fun Facts about Frank Marshall Davis:

  1. Davis was born in Arkansas City, Kansas. When his parents divorced, Mr. Davis lived with his mother, stepfather, and grandparents.
  2. Davis studied industrial journalism Kansas State University when it was still called Kansas State Agricultural College.
  3. A class assignment in college had Mr. Davis write poems. When his English literature instructor saw his work, he encouraged him to continue.
  4. Davis moved to Chicago, IL during the Great Migration. The Great Migration occurred when six million African-Americans moved out of the Southern United States to the Northeast, Midwest and west urban area.
  5. In Chicago, Mr. Davis worked for a variety of newspapers, as well as writing freelance articles and short stories. This is when he started writing poetry seriously.
  6. Davis was the managing editor, and then executive editor, of the Associated Negro Press (ANP).
  7. As a sport reporter, Mr. Davis covered the famous Joe Louis – Max Schmeling fight, portraying the fight as a rivalry between democracy and equality vs. fascism. He believed that sports was a field that could break the color barrier.
  8. Davis also taught the first jazz history course in the United States. This was the Chicago’s Abraham Lincoln School.
  9. Davis promoted the ideal of a raceless society.
  10. In 1948 Mr. Davis and his second wife moved to Hawaii. He rarely made visits to the mainland, and passed away in Honolulu.

Books by Frank Marshall Davis*

Zohar — Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books

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Fun Facts Friday: Frank Marshall Davis
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Fun Facts Friday: Frank Marshall Davis
Frank Marshall Davis (31 December, 1905 – 26 July, 1987) was an African-American poet, as well as a journalist. Mr. Davis’ poet protested the racial inequality of the 1930s and 40s.
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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