Frank Marshall Davis (31 December, 1905 – 26 July, 1987) was an African-American poet, as well as a journalist. Mr. Davis’ poet protested the racial inequality of the 1930s and 40s.
Books by Frank Marshall Davis*
Fun Facts about Frank Marshall Davis:
- Davis was born in Arkansas City, Kansas. When his parents divorced, Mr. Davis lived with his mother, stepfather, and grandparents.
- Davis studied industrial journalism Kansas State University when it was still called Kansas State Agricultural College.
- A class assignment in college had Mr. Davis write poems. When his English literature instructor saw his work, he encouraged him to continue.
- Davis moved to Chicago, IL during the Great Migration. The Great Migration occurred when six million African-Americans moved out of the Southern United States to the Northeast, Midwest and west urban area.
- In Chicago, Mr. Davis worked for a variety of newspapers, as well as writing freelance articles and short stories. This is when he started writing poetry seriously.
- Davis was the managing editor, and then executive editor, of the Associated Negro Press (ANP).
- As a sport reporter, Mr. Davis covered the famous Joe Louis – Max Schmeling fight, portraying the fight as a rivalry between democracy and equality vs. fascism. He believed that sports was a field that could break the color barrier.
- Davis also taught the first jazz history course in the United States. This was the Chicago’s Abraham Lincoln School.
- Davis promoted the ideal of a raceless society.
- In 1948 Mr. Davis and his second wife moved to Hawaii. He rarely made visits to the mainland, and passed away in Honolulu.
Books by Frank Marshall Davis*
Zohar — Man of la Book
*Amazon links point to an affiliate account, the money is usually spent on books
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Fun Facts Friday: Frank Marshall Davis
Frank Marshall Davis (31 December, 1905 – 26 July, 1987) was an African-American poet, as well as a journalist. Mr. Davis’ poet protested the racial inequality of the 1930s and 40s.
Man of la Book
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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