Fun Facts Friday: Ewald Christian von Kleist

March 7, 2024

Ewald Christian von Kleist (7 March 1715 – 24 August 1759) was a German poet best known for his long poem Der Frühling


Fun Facts Friday: Ewald Christian von Kleist
Books by Ewald Christian von Kleist*

Fun Facts about Ewald Christian von Kleist:

  1. Ewald Christian von Kleist was born to Joachim Ewald and Marie Juliane von Manteuffel. The couple had six children before Marie died. Ewald Christian was the third child.
  2. The Kleist family could trace its roots back to the 12th century and was known as a family of military men and cavalry leaders. We know that 58 men from the family fought in the Seven Years’ War, serving in Frederick the Great’s army.
  3. Ewald Christian lived with his uncle Christian von Manteuffel, along with his only brother Franz Casimir. He eventually graduated from the University of Königsberg studying law and math.
  4. Upon his graduation Ewald Christian von Kleist enlisted in the Danish army. We don’t know if it was his choice, or because his father insisted since he didn’t like the direction his son’s life was taking (he insisted on studying modern and classical languages and theology along with his other studies).
  5. While visiting his father and sister in Gdańsk, he fell in love with the daughter of a distant relative. The two became engaged, but she married another man when he went back to his military post.
  6. In 1740 von Kleist was appointed a lieutenant for a new regiment by King Frederick II. At this time, he also became interested in poetry.
  7. Serving in Leipzig, he became integrated within the literary circles in town, including writer Gotthold Ephraim Lessing who became a close friend. Those years, 1757 – 1758 are thought to be the happiest he’s ever been.
  8. The poet’s foremost work, Der Frühling, was about the observation of nature. He wrote several other poems about his war experiences.
  9. Ewald Christian von Kleist distinguished himself as a soldier and was promoted to Captain, then to Major.
  10. During the Seven Year’s War, after the Battle of Kunersdorf,, he was mortally wounded but kept leading his regiment forward taking three batteries before dying.

Books by Ewald Christian von Kleist*

Zohar — Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books


Ewald Christian von Kleist | Wikipedia

Ewald Christian von Kleist: German poet | Britannica

Ewald Christian von Kleist – Encyclopedia | Theodora

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Fun Facts Friday: Ewald Christian von Kleist
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Fun Facts Friday: Ewald Christian von Kleist
Ewald Christian von Kleist (7 March 1715 – 24 August 1759) was a German poet and military officer, best known for his long poem Der Frühling.
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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