Whether you are rich or poor, educated or not and no matter to which political party you donated to, you are always welcome at your local library
A Fierce Radiance makes penicillin interesting. Spies, sex, big money, scrupulous industrialists, incorruptible scientist as well as corruptible ones.
I also noticed that children like to read about someone which is the same sex and same age, actually a year or two older is usually preferable
All DRM did is give honest consumers a hard time and waste the company’s money by fighting DRM pirates who are always one step ahead (at least).
The past of Bernie Gunther catches up with in 1954 Cuba while doing work for mobster boss Meyer Lansky. Even though this anti-Nazi PI survived the Nazi regime
I was very impressed with The Hunchback of Notre Dame and thought the last 200 pages were certainly work trudging through some of it.
The dark, brooding and punishing interactions between the complex characters are a mastery of storytelling. The characters are also part of this complex plot
A document written by Rabbi Gurion ben Judah Maccabee and “translated and re-translated from the Hebrew and the English” before being published
A historical fiction book taking place in the early 1940’s when General Erwin Rommel’s (The Dessert Fox) troops were intent on capturing the Mid East oil fields
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