Odd runs away to his old house, only to encounter Norse gods in the form of a bear (Thor), an eagle (Odin) and a fox (Loki) outsmarted by the frost giants
Mr. Enzmann’s sarcastic sense of humor shines through the pages. For example, the Austrian army’s generous handing out medals
Author and cartoonist Mort Walker is mostly known for creating the comic strip Beetle Bailey in 1950 as well as Hi and Lois in 1954
Decades after being liberated, the world treats the survivors differently. The perspective is not only that of the survivors themselves, but also of society
Even operations that seem mundane, such as smuggling out of the Soviet Union of Nikita Khrushchev’s secret speech gets an air of reverence and complexity
A beautiful book, a lyrical and relatable story of the author who was born in Russia but spent his summers with his grandmother Charlotte Lemonnier
Theodore Dreiser is known for many things, among them are the situations he created which resemble nature studies more than the philosophical choice of agency
Uncle Misha’s Partisans by Yuri Suhl is a fictional book following the adventures of a Ukrainian boy during World War II.
A few days ago I stumbled on a fascinating tweet-chat using the hashtag #bookmarket. While I’m not an active participant of that chat (I work at that time) I happen to hop on and join the conversation.
Better by Mistake by Alina Tugend is a non-fiction book which tries to explain how dealing with mistakes can benefit you and your work