Share 3 things you are essential tried and true practices for every blogger and 1-3 new trends or tools you’ve adapted recently or would like to in the future. Interesting topic and I’d be interested to read what others have written. But let’s not pontificate: Tried & True: 1) Comment on other blogs – karma’s great. 2) Personalize the posts. Sure it’s nice to hear a synopsis, but I want to also know about the person. 3) Quality trumps quantity! New Trends and/or Tools: 1) Get your own domain – it’s affordable, professional and looks great on a business card 2) Editorial calendars are a blessing. I use WordPress Editorial Calendar 3) Read out of your comfort zone, even if you don’t like it at first it will make you a better person, reader and blogger. Zohar – Man of la Book
Since starting this blog I have discovered some wonderful authors which I never would have read. Not only books which I might have passed on in the past, but those which I most likely never would have heard about because from one reason or another they did not make it onto the precious shelf space at my local book stores. The key was finding bloggers who have my taste, that might seem like an easy task to many people (especially ladies who are into paranormal), but to me it was not easy. However, I did manage to find several, among them is The Children’s War, Knitting and Sundries, Boston Book Bums and Janette Fuller and more. What I really learned a lot from my time blogging has more to do with marketing and publishing. Before I didn’t pay much attention to book marketing, but now it seems as if I learn something new each and every day. I learned how hard authors work to promote their books, that the “system” can be either very good or very bad but very rarely is it in the middle. I’ve learned a lot about social media marketing, blog marketing and product promotion. And…
The author realizes that there isn’t a magic formula which will work for all businesses, but she does provide a lot of valuable information in a package which is easy to read, understand and comprehend.
I only have been blogging for a bit more than a year and I don’t feel qualified to give anyone tips about building a community. However since this is the daily topic I’m going to try. Most important is to keep doing what you enjoy. Don’t try to appease others, don’t try to read books you “think” your followers want you to read and don’t overload yourself with deadlines. This is a hobby, it’s fun, it’s hectic, it’s pleasing and rewarding –but don’t make it work. Keep enjoying reading and don’t being afraid to express an opinion, follow other bloggers, see how they handle tough situations, seeing how they start/end discussion and don’t be afraid to participate. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, you’ll find a plethora of information and good will if you simply ask. Parajunkee even have a weekly feature called “Book Blogging 101” which is one of my favorites. Zohar – Man of la Book Related articles BBAW Day 2 – Blogger Interview! ( My BBAW Interview Swap with Lu from Regular Rumination ( BBAW: Community ( BBAW – Day One: COMMUNITY ( Thanks to the Blogger!!!!! (
Author J.E. Fishman, who wrote Primacy, had a very interesting career in the book business; his blog is fascinating and enlightening.
I’m going to tell you right off the bat that I’m going to cheat. This weeks marks the 2011 Book Blogger Appreciation Week. Yes, I have my favorite book bloggers and they know who they are. There are several which I follow religiously but mostly I simply enjoy looking at my RSS feed knowing that there are many other bookish people out there who like to share their experience reading. I’m a firm believer that reading was, and could be again, a social activity. In days of yore people use to sit around the fireplace taking turns reading passages out loud and discussing them. Those days were gone but they’re coming back. Instead of a glowing fire (sounds romantic but imagine the dirt, cinder and smoke) we have glowing computer screens and we don’t read out loud anymore but we certainly discuss the books. The beauty of it is that we can get opinions of people across the ocean and, based on our own depiction of reality, discuss how a certain book affected us in different ways. Book blogging also takes a huge amount of time, several hours a day to maintain a consistent blog (lots of reading and writing)….
Liane Vinson is a researcher in an animal testing facility, however, one of her favorite primates, a bonobo called Bea, starts to display the ability to speak.
Award winning author Stephen Jay Gould (September 10, 1941 – May 20, 2002). A scholar as well as an author, Mr. Gould won many awards for his work.
McMurtry can sure write cowboys, but the women lacked depth, each one was promiscuous on some level and wanted to lay one of the three cowboys
As it turned out there are font aficionados out there, enough to merit heavy discussions on IKEA changing its font and to religiously maintain Internet groups