Book Review: Who Is Maud Dixon? by Alexandra Andrews

March 16, 2021


Who Is Maud Dixon? by Alexandra Andrews is a novel following a small-town girl who got the chance to intern for one of the most famous authors in the world. Ms. Andrews is a journalist and a novelist; this is her debut novel.

Book Review: Who Is Maud Dixon? by Alexandra Andrews
My rating for Who Is Maud Dixon?4
Pur­chaseWho Is Maud Dixon? from*
More Books by Alexandra Andrews*


I really enjoyed this novel. I’m always interested in books about books, and while Who Is Maud Dixon? by Alexandra Andrews is not necessarily about books, it does take place behind the scenes in the publishing industry.

The narrative flows, immersive, and makes you want to continue reading more and more. While the first half builds up the story, the pace really picks up in the second half where twists and turns are galore.

The two main characters are interesting, but Florence is the one that grows during the story. She also, along the line, realizes that she is her only advocate in both her professional and business life.
Something many people never realize.

While the novel is quirky and fun, there is always a dark cloud on the horizon. I always felt like something is about to blow out, things are going “too good” and they’re bound to explode. Ms. Andrews, however, blew things up in a sure way, building the deconstructing the story piece by piece.

For what it is, this novel is a gem. I had a hard time believing that Florence met a long-lost friend on a beach in Morocco, but I’ve traveled. I’ve met people I knew in a small town on the southern tip of South America, so while I didn’t exactly like the idea – I do know it’s not as outrageous as it sounds.

I did enjoy the ladies’ travels in Morocco, in small towns and villages. I don’t know if the author has been there, but the sights and sounds seem plausible and believable.


Florence is from a Gainesville, Florida who is struggling to make it in New York City. Florence works in publishing, in a dead-end job where she slowly realizes that she might not have the talent to be published.

Finding herself without a job, Florence gets the chance of a lifetime, to intern for Maud Dixon. Ms. Dixon wrote a novel which seem to speak to a generation, but she is reclusive.

Florence wakes up in a hospital in Morocco after a terrible car accident, her boss is dead and her papers are gone.

Pur­chaseWho Is Maud Dixon? from*
More Books by Alexandra Andrews*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got this book for free.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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