Book Review: The New Frugality by Chris Farrell

January 25, 2016

The New Frugality: How to Consume Less, Save More, and Live Better by Chris Farrell is a non-fiction book about personal finance. The author is an economics contributor on radio shows and write columns on the subject.

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My rat­ing for The New Frugality4
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I was excited to start reading The New Frugality: How to Consume Less, Save More, and Live Better by Chris Farrell since the introduction sounded great. The book covers several aspects of persona finance such as debts, investments, retirement and more.

I consider myself a frugal person, not cheap or being a miser. For example, a few months ago, right before Black Friday, our dishwasher broke. We have home owner’s insurance so we pay a small sum to fix appliances, instead of paying to fix a 15 – 20 year old machine, we spent a bit more to buy a new one on a special sale.

The book does not give much, or any, new information to someone who is frugal or read other personal finance book. The advice is mostly conservative and sensible.Avoid excess, budget, don’t take on too much, or any, debt and, of course, live within your means.

Anyone interested in personal finance, tightening up the budget, being frugal or just for motivation to keep saving and living within your means would find this book interesting. Being frugal will make your life better, I believe that and so does the author.

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Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I borrowed this book from the local library.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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