Book Review: The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

February 8, 2022


The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes is a YA mystery, the first in the Inheritance Games series. Ms. Barnes is a researcher at Yale, and a published author.

Book Review: The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
My daughter’s rat­ing for The Inheritance Games5
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I read this book on the very enthusiastic recommendation of my 17-year-old daughter. If you know 17-year-old young women, such an enthusiastic recommendation is more of a “must do” request, not that I needed much prodding, I was just happy she was as enthusiastic about reading.

I gave this book 5 stars because it was, obviously, not meant of middle age schmos. It was meant for the young adult crowd and I scored it as such.

This was an easy read, I finished The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes in two2 days, maybe three. I thought it was certainly a good story, however. And, while drowning in self-congratulatory excitement thinking I found obvious plot-holes, it was soon dawned on my that I fell into the author’s trap.

Nevertheless, feelings of “I’m not as smart as I thought”, aside, the novel is fast paced and delightful. It was an entertaining escape into a world of puzzles as well as riddles. Not as complicated as PhDeath by James P. Carse, but certainly made those grey brain cells work a bit overtime.

The story is filled with questions, some of them never get answered, even though I’m sure they’ll certainly be addressed in upcoming books. Every time you think a question has been answered, two others pop up.

The characters are cartoonlike, but fitting for the story and give you a sense of a game being played. The backdrops to both the story, as well as the riddles and puzzles are inventive and well-written.

My daughter told me that it was very similar to Knives Out, the movie. I certainly saw the correlation, the book has the same “feel”, as the movie and a unique cast to boot.


Avery Grambs is trying to get through high-school, hoping to win a scholarship to a college and get out of the lower middle class cycle she is destined to. Life throws her a gift, or a curse, when billionaire Tobias Hawthorne dies and leaves her his fortune.

The Hawthorne heirs, however, as not as enthused as Avery. Knowing their patriarch, they assume there’s some kind of game afoot. Whether Avery is a legitimate heir, or part of a deadly puzzle remains to be seen.

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More Books by Jennifer Lynn Barnes *

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I bought this book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books

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The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

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