Book Review: Temptress of Fates by J.C. Kang

January 18, 2021

Temptress of Fates: A Legends of Tivara Story by J.C. Kang is the fourth installment in the Scions of the Black Lotus series, following a clan of Chinese assassins masquerading as high-class courtesans, led by a half-elf. Mr. Kang is a Chinese Medicine doctor, martial arts instructor, and technical writer to pen epic fantasy stories.

  • 210 pages
  • Language : English
  • ISBN-10 : 1712300997

Book Review: Temptress of Fates by J.C. Kang
My rat­ing for Temptress of Fates4
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In this novella the plot of the overreaching storyline gets more intricate, through a simple heist storyline of the gang trying to break into a lord’s safe. They have no idea what’s in the safe, only that it’s important for the Emperor, but they quickly find out that he’s not the only one interested in the content.

Throughout the narrative of Temptress of Fates by J.C. Kang, there are hidden hand manipulating the events, which half-elf Jie, Tian, Wen and others must react to. Jie, of course, is mainly interested to find out more about Lilian, her deceased lover and clan member, scheme against the Emperor.

Mr. Kang set out to write a heist story of the clan members using their skills and training (sleight of hand, seduction, manipulation, and more) to infiltrate and break into the safe, achieving their goal. It was an entertaining story-line reading about how each member of the group handles the challenges handed to them in their own unique way.

The story has several twists and turns, while adding some complexities to new characters, as well as old. Ten year old Tian is quickly becoming a favorite, not only because of his bumbling physical skills, and his brilliant analytical brain, but also of how the Clan sisters (blossoms) really embrace his naiveté.

I had to remind myself that this novella, like the others, will most likely have not definitive answers to Lilian and Jie’s overall arch. The events of the previous book are touched upon, and are felt throughout, so while I can safely say that this is a standalone novella, I highly recommend reading the previous ones.

A lord’s safe holds some secret, which the Black Lotus clan has been assigned to break into. But the contents of the safe are not only wanted by the Chinese emperor, but also by other criminal elements.

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Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got bought this book.
*Ama­zon links point to an affiliate account

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