Book Review: Rabbits by Terry Miles

June 16, 2021


Rabbits by Terry Miles is a mystery revolving around a secret game taking place in an alternate reality. Mr. Mmiles is a published writer, podcaster (Public Radio Alliance), and an award-winning filmmaker.

  • 432 pages
  • Publisher : Del Rey
  • Language : Englis
  • ISBN-10 : 1984819658

Book Review: Rabbits by Terry Miles
My rat­ing for Rabbits 4
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Rabbits by Terry Miles is a very creative book, especially for gamers. It feels like a mix of 80s/90s nostalgia, conspiracy, mystery, as well as the new exciting video games of today.

The nostalgia factor, explicitly for me was the arcades, which I spent too much time and money in. I remember how amazing Dragon Lair was, as well as the Atari 2600 system. Today’s fantastic graphics of games are astounding and immersing, something I only wished for as a teen.
So why Minecraft became so popular, is a mystery to me.

Even though this novel has a somewhat complicated plot, it was not a difficult read. The puzzles are in the context of the game, which we view through K’s eyes. Seeing patterns is a theme in the book, but there are not mental gymnastics one needs to do to enjoy the narrative.

The story-line is driven by the game, however the characters are developed as well. Albeit, when we think we know something about K, or Chloe, or another character, the author takes a 90 turn. A surprise to the reader and to the character as well.

I enjoyed the aspect of forced-nostalgia, something that was always prominent in human behavior. I was trying to remember if aspect described in the book was the author’s invention, an Easter egg in a game, an accurate description, or simply disinformation. Maybe I just didn’t remember it properly, or a different version, or maybe the author combined fact and fiction to really mass me up.

The novel does jump around, and when that happens the reader has to pay attention. Even if you do pay attention, what’s real and what’s not is always up for questioning. There are many obscure game clues in real world setting. I don’t know if people like K exist, who see disjointed patterns everywhere, but life cannot be easy for them.


K is a player of the Rabbits, the secret real-life game, with real life consequences. The winner gets huge amounts of money and fame, but it could cost the players everything. For years K has been attempting to play Rabbits, but in order to play you first have to find your way into it.

Billionaire Alan Scarpio, rumored to have been the winner of the previous iteration approaches K. Scarpio says that something has gone wrong and needs to be fixed or the whole world will end.

Scarpio disappears.
K blows the deadline.
The game starts – suddenly reality itself is shifting.

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Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book for free.
*Ama­zon links point to an affiliate account

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Rabbits by Terry Miles

Rabbits By Terry Miles

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