Book Review: Open Source Intelligence Techniques (7th Edition) by Michael Bazzell

August 24, 2020

Open Source Intelligence Techniques: Resources for Searching and Analyzing Online Information 7th Edition by Michael Bazzell shows the reader how to take control of open source tools to investigate online activities. Mr. Bazzell is on online investigator for computer crimes, who worked for the federal government in one capacity or another.

  • 575 pages
  • Publisher: Independently published
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 169903530X

Book Review: Open Source Intelligence Techniques (7th Edition) by Michael Bazzell
My rat­ing for Open Source Intelligence Techniques5
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This is the latest book which teaches you how to dig into the internet for information on anyone you might want to investigate. Ethically, of course, you should only be doing so for bad actors, but it can be used for anyone.

Open Source Intelligence Techniques: Resources for Searching and Analyzing Online Information 7th Edition by Michael Bazzell shows the user techniques and search tools to do this type of work. The author has online instructions on how to setup a virtual machine using Linux to run many of the tools in your own environment without relying on external websites for your research. The book also talks about ethics, policy, documentation, and methodology – issues which might not be as impressive as catching or following bad actors, but are very important in courts and, of course, to management.

The author talks about how to look for information, positive or negative, as well as searching how you present yourself to the online digital world. For people who are privacy conscious, sadly becoming a minority, you can check out where you stand an hopefully minimize your own vulnerability on the issue.

Many Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) tools are introduced which are free to download and use. The book shows the reader how to make modifications to the tools, and how to search properly on many social media websites. The amount of information freely available is disturbing at times, but I’d rather know than be surprised later on.

I consider myself savvy on the online world, or at the very least someone who pays attention, but this book left me in awe and overwhelmed at the ease I could gather data. Mr. Bazzell is a talented author, he keeps it simple but does not talk down to the readers.

Buy Open Source Intelligence Techniques from*
More Books by Michael Bazzell*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I bought this book.
*Ama­zon links point to an affiliate account

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