Locklands by Robert Jackson Bennett is the third, and final, installment in science fiction/fantasy series The Founders Trilogy. Mr. Bennett is an award winning author including the Edgar Award, the Shirley Jackson Award and a Philip K Dick Award Citation of Excellence.
- 560 pages
- Publisher : Del Rey
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1984820672
My rating for Locklands — 4
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For me, the trilogy seemed to mimic the way the information superhighway was developed. In Foundryside, the sigils, scrives, and scrived objects were still a step below pure magic, acting much like mainframe computers. In the second book, Shorefall, scrived objects were already in every home, not just the rich – like the PC Revolution. In Locklands, author Robert Jackson Bennett takes it a step further and connects people and scrived objects in a wide web, worldwide.
The book was different than the previous two, which I certainly enjoyed as well. This isn’t a heist book, but it does provide a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. Even though, I have to say I do enjoy the books with plots which do not have the future of the world in the balance. I simply feel that there’s more at stake, from the view of the characters. After all, we all know the world’s going to be saved.
In Locklands by Robert Jackson Bennett we learn more about Clef, a favorite of mine. We learn more about his past, and he really grows as a character, revealing crucial elements which shaped him.
Mr. Bennett goes a step further in this book when it comes to communication. talking is no longer needed, people are connected by the thousands working as one entity for one goal. I can only assume the pandemic has influenced this aspect of the story. after all, many of us can spend days, weeks, or even months working with our co-workers without exchanging one word in between us.
Eight years after we last saw them, Sancia, Clef, as well as Berenice face a different challenge. This is not a heist, but war to save reality itself.
The team and their allies are looking for an ancient doorway, leading to the center of creation. If they reach the door first, there’s a chance to stop the disaster awaiting.
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More Books by Robert Jackson Bennett*
Zohar — Man of la Book
Disclaimer:I got this book for free.
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