Audiobook Review: Eye of the Storm: 25 Years in Action with the SAS by Peter Ratcliffe

July 12, 2021


Eye of the Storm: 25 Years in Action with the SAS by Peter Ratcliffe is a memoir of the author’s time in England’s elite special forces unit. Mr. Ratchliffe was a Regimental Sergeant-Major in the SAS and saw action in Northern Ireland, the Falklands War, and the Gulf War, among others.

  • 12 hours and 18 minutes
  • Publisher: Michael O’Mara
  • Language: English

Audiobook Review: Eye of the Storm: 25 Years in Action with the SAS by Peter Ratcliffe
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Eye of the Storm4
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This is a straight forward story which is more notable for what it is not saying, than what it does. That is, however, expected from such memoirs which deals with issues that might be classified, or sensitive to this day. Not to mention brothers in arms who do not want their names in public, either due to privacy concerns or safety.

This is not one of those boastful memoirs that I previously read, actually the author goes to great length to make sure it isn’t. The author even takes the time to call BS on others who simply made stuff up to sell books, logic be damned, bringing the narrative down to Earth. I was intrigued more by the account of how decisions were made, planning, and out comes than the straight out action descriptions. The narration by Peter Kenny was spot on, engaging, and understandable.

The history of the England’s Special Air Service (SAS) is recounted, as well as the path the author took to make it to this elite unit. He is obviously very proud of his service, and his contribution. I enjoyed the personal stories the author shared, as well as the stories about the internal unit culture. Mr. Ratcliffe, good naturally of course, also tells of a few of the highlights of meeting famous people during his service, including H. Norman Schwarzkopf, The Queen Mother, and Margaret Thatcher.

Taking the cake is a phone call Mr. Ratcliffe received from legendary Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson, to schedule a team tour at SAS facilities. As a lifelong fan, I cracked up when the author said he wanted to “stand at attention” when receiving the phone call.

Eye of the Storm: 25 Years in Action with the SAS by Peter Ratcliffe is a book for people interested in military history in general, and the SAS specifically. It certainly is not a memoir intended to attract the eye of moviemakers, and stays away from clichés, bravado, and cinematic heroics.

Buy Eye of the Storm from*
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More Books narrated by Peter Kenny*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book on
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Eye of the Storm: 25 Years in Action with the SAS by Peter Ratcliffe

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Eye of the Storm: 25 Years in Action with the SAS by Peter Ratcliffe

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