Search results for: American history

American Presidents: Biographies Etc.
/ July 4, 2024

George Washington Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation by Joseph J. Ellis – 5 The General’s Cook by Ramin Ganeshram (historical fiction) – 4 His Excellency: George Washington by Joseph J. Ellis – 4 The Intimate Lives of the Founding Fathers by Thomas Fleming – 4 Travels with George: In Search of Washington and His Legacy by Nathaniel Philbrick – 4 Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow – 5 John Adams Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation by Joseph J. Ellis – 5 John Adams by David McCullough – 5 The Intimate Lives of the Founding Fathers by Thomas Fleming – 4 The Patriots: Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and the Making of America by Winston Groom – 4 Thomas Jefferson Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation by Joseph J. Ellis – 5 American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson by Joseph J. Ellis – 3 In Pursuit of Jefferson: Traveling through Europe with the Most Perplexing Founding Father by Derek Baxter The Patriots: Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and the Making of America by Winston Groom – 4 Thomas Jefferson’s Crème Brûlée: How a Founding Father and His Slave James Hemings Introduced French Cuisine to America by Thomas J. Craughwell…

Guest Post: Her Life, Her Voice, My Words: Bearing Witness to History Through Someone Else’s Eyes – Part 1
Guest Posts , Latest Posts / May 14, 2014

Retrieving memories of and writing about your own past can be challenging enough. Recounting someone else’s life history – enabling readers to actually see it unfold through the eyes of your subject and doing so convincingly – can be even more daunting. In writing the memoir Beggars or Angels (August 2013, Oaklight Publishing) for an amazing woman who’s lived through enough drama and hardship to fill two lifetimes, I had two main goals:

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