Book Review: Love and Treasure by Ayelet Waldman

About: Love and Treasure by Ayelet Waldman is a fictional multi-generational story. Ms. Waldman is a prolific author of fiction and non-fiction novels, essays and short stories. 352 pages Publisher: Knopf Language: English ISBN-10: 0385533543 My rat­ing for Love and Treasure — 3 Buy this book in paper or elec­tronic for­mat* More Books by Ayelet Waldman Thoughts: Love and Treasure by Ayelet Waldman is a strange book was easy to read and follow, for the most part. The story has lovely characters and an intriguing premise, and one could tell that Ms. Waldman certainly is a talented writer. The book is divided into three sections following a pendant the protagonist’s grandfather has stolen from a Hungarian Gold train. The narrative follows the adventures of the grandfather during World War II, the second part follows his granddaughter, Natalie, while she tries to locate the rightful owner of the relic, and the third part is told through notes of a Dr. Zobel. I really enjoyed the first two-thirds of the novel, but the last third simply lost me and I didn’t feel added anything interesting to the story. Ms. Waldman certainly has skills to weave history and fiction in a most interesting…

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