Star Wars Reads Events
Latest Posts / October 6, 2012

The folks at Star Wars reads have generously donated a Star Wars reads t-shirt and Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia –to enter fill out the Raf­fle­copt­ter form at the end of the post Due to a mistake I made with the Rafflecopter form I extended the giveaway one more day Today October 6th, 2012, fans will come together to celebrate reading, Star Wars and reading Star Wars. There are many events n book stores and libraries all around the nation Check out the map on the Star Wars Reads website to find an event near you. These events was created by Lucasfilm and its publishing partners. There are over 1,000 events across the country, each one unique and may include author appearances, crafts, trivia, contests and exclusive giveaways. Remember, these events are to promote reading in general – support them if you can. Come back and let me know how you enjoyed them. Give­away Give­away ends: Octo­ber 07, 2012 (TODAY!!!) US Ship­ping Addresses Only No PO Boxes Win­ners will have 24 hours to write back with their address, oth­er­wise an alter­nate win­ner will be picked Congratulations: ladyofnarnia@ Zohar – Man of la Book

Guest Review: Star Wars: The Last Command by Timothy Zahn
Fiction , Latest Posts / October 6, 2012

Wel­come to another install­ment of “Thoughts from the Ran­cor Pit” in which Andrew and David from the fab­u­lous blog “Ran­cors Love to Read” will review books tak­ing place in the Star Wars uni­verse. This time they are review­ing The Last Command the third install­ment in The Thrawn Tril­ogy which pop­u­lar­ized the Star Wars books. Also, don’t forget that today, 6 October, 2012 is the Star Wars Reads day which will be marked with activities promoting Star Wars, reading and reading Star Wars in book stores across the nation. The good folks at Star Wars Reads have given Man of la Book some cool giveaways to promote this most excellent event. Check it out and enter – THIS IS A ONE DAY GIVEAWAY, I will pick the winner on Sunday. Buy this Star Wars Book in paper or elec­tronic copy* More Books by Timothy Zahn Andrew: Orig­i­nally pub­lished at 5/5 Rancors – The Last Command is the climactic novel in Timothy Zahn’s superb Thrawn Trilogy, a series published in the early 1990’s that laid the groundwork for much of the Star Wars Expanded Universe that was to come. All of Zahn’s carefully constructed plotting comes together here in an action-packed and highly rewarding tale, intertwining the…

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