Thoughts on: Akhmed and the Atomic Matzo Balls by Gary Buslik
3 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / May 17, 2012

About: Akhmed and the Atomic Matzo Balls by Gary Buslik is a fictional comedic book. The story spans the globe and includes tyrants, professors and even… conservatives. 370 pages Publisher: Travelers’ Tales/Solas House Language: English ISBN-10: 1609520696 My rating for Akhmed and the Atomic Matzo Balls – 3 Buy this book in paper or in elec­tronic format More Books by Gary Buslik Thoughts: I really don’t know what to think about Akhmed and the Atomic Matzo Balls by Gary Buslik. Some parts I found really funny, others not so much, yet at times it seemed as if Larry David was in my face trying too hard to make me laugh. This is a wacky novel, as you can tell from the wonderful title; the good news is that it’s wacky on purpose. The plot is over the top and the dialog is mostly funny, some of the jokes were not akin to my humor, but many others were. I like the sarcastic sense of humor, absurd humor sometimes passes me by. While the characterization is good, there is not one nice, sympathetic or relatable person in the whole book. That’s what the author wanted to do, I believe, and that’s what we got but…

Tightwad Tuesday — Free or Affordable eBooks – Non Fiction
Latest Posts , Tightwad Tuesday / May 15, 2012

Welcome to another edition of Tightwad Tuesday. While looking around for non-fiction books, I saw some really cool free ones and thought that you might like them as well. Authors: If you’d like your book to be featured on Tightwad Tuesdays please email me. For the Kindle: Thompson’s Lucky Star: The Story of a Stalag Survivor [Kindle Edition] by Tony Thompson, Brendan Gisby When Corporal George Thompson of The Buffs was walking to freedom from Stalag IVB after the camp’s liberation in April 1945, he most probably stopped for a moment, looked up at the sky and thanked his lucky star again. That star had kept him alive through five long years of war, the last eighteen brutal months of which he had spent as a prisoner-of-war. As he passed through the huge, intimidating gates of the camp for the last time, George carried with him some mementoes from his time in captivity, among them a very small, dog-eared notebook. The notebook was George’s prisoner-of-war diary, which he had begun the day after he was taken prisoner and in which he had made the final entry on the day of his liberation. Reproducing the actual diary entries and supplementing them…

Love of Reading
Latest Posts , Opinion / May 14, 2012

I bought The Puppy Place #22: Bella by Ellen Miles (website) as part of the nook Daily Find, which I check out daily…being an owner of a nook. My daughter, 7, loves dogs and have been begging for one for years. One day we’ll get one. Buy this book in paper or in elec­tronic for­mat through the Man of la Book Affil­i­ate Account More Books in The Puppy Place series Combined my daughter’s love of dogs, love of reading, price deal and the title of this book which happens to be her nickname, how could I pass it up? I didn’t and I’m glad I bought it. Even though my daughter had an amazing improvement in her reading during first grade (going from level 1 to chapter books and top of her class in mere four months) she brings home books because she “has to” not want to. Of course we make a big deal about books and her reading, but it seems more like a chore. Her school is part of the LINKS program; the students must bring a new book every night and read it with the parents. This is not only important for the children, but has the added benefit of…

Thoughts on: Private Empire by Steve Coll
5 Stars , Latest Posts , Non-Fiction / May 9, 2012

Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power by Steve Coll is a compelling book about one of the biggest, most powerful and influential American companies ever created. One aspect of this book is fascinating; the other is a disturbing to realize the sway a private entity has over the affairs of the union.

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