Milo Weaver, the reluctant spy, finds himself facing a CIA analyst about 10 years after the Department of Tourism, CIA’s silent assassins, was disbanded. The two find themselves on the run when a new breed of Tourists tries to kill them both.
It is terrifying to think that there are some incompetent nincompoops, or simply uncaring bureaucrats, in charge of programs meant to help millions of people costing billions of dollars.
I really liked the characters of the book, the three Kenyan orphans are engaging and likeable. I also liked how the author took the Wizard of Oz and weaved that narrative into his storyline throughout the book.
It seems as if Mr. Barry put great thought into the narrative of this book. Each of us, I’m sure, can go back and point to events which, in our opinion, were either a turning point or crossroads in our linear path even though we did not know it at the time – this is what McNulty is writing about.
About: The Geneva Option by Adam LeBor is a novel which introduces the reader to Yael Azoulay, a high-level UN staffer. The book is marketed as being the first in a trilogy by Mr. LeBor who is, by trade, an author and journalist. The publisher is giving away one copy of this book –to enter fill out the Rafflecoptter form at the end of the post. 368 pages Publisher: Harper Paperbacks Language: English ISBN-10: 0062208551 My rating for The Geneva Option — 4 Buy this book in paper or electronic format* More Books by Adam LeBor Thoughts: The Geneva Option by Adam LeBor is a gripping thriller which introduces the world to a strong heroine. The world created by the author is raw and brutal, a world most of us would like to think does not exist. Yael Azoulay, the protagonist, is truly an international woman with no roots and no place she can call home. This is a fast paced book is entertaining on the surface but has a lot going for it in between the lines. The lose-lose deals Yael has to strike leave the reader feeling almost dirty but with the clear understanding that they must be made…