The author & his family on a series of vacations following Jefferson’s 1788 book attempting to observer what he saw and experienced
Judah’s life was shattered when she was stolen from her village in Africa beaten, chained, enslaved, ending up as an enslaved cook at Belle Grove Plantation, VA
A freed slave, George Dinning, an honest, hardworking family man by all accounts. Mr. Dinning lives in Kentucky, the Jim Crow South, and prospering via his work ethic, brains, and good nature. One evening a mob comes to his farm demanding he’d leave town or be lynched. Mr. Dinning was accused of stealing meat and burning a smokehouse – with absolutely no evidence and no history of doing anything even remotely close. T
Death March Escape: The Remarkable Story of a Man Who Twice Escaped the Nazi Holocaust – A biography of Dave Hersch, the author’s father and his first book.
The book immediately caught my attention since I really enjoy these min-biographies which delve in depth into a short, but meaningful time in the subject’s life
I really enjoyed the protagonist, but I think the author went out of his way to make him naïve. He doesn’t like computers, knows nothing about GPS, and is shocked to hear what’s going on inside strip joints.
I liked the stories of the women and the found the characters to be affable and smart. The author can certainly write and engaging story and I found myself to be sympathetic to the storyline.
Based on a true story, Mary has been a slave to the Van Lew family in Richmond, VA. Bet Van Lew, the daughter and abolitionist, frees Mary and sends her to school in Philadelphia.
An easy read and well written story. The narrative is clean and sometime even lyrical. The characters are multi-dimensional, vivid and fully realized