Fun Facts Friday: The Scarlet letter
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / March 16, 2012

Today is the anniversary of the publication of Nathaniel Hawthorne‘s The Scarlet Letter. Besides a great tale, The Scarlet Letter also had a wonderful that goes with its own publication. Great price on this book in paper or FREE in elec­tronic For­mat through the Man of la Book Affil­i­ate Account More books by Nathaniel Hawthorne 1 ) The Scarlet letter is set in 17th century in Puritan Boston between 1642 – 1649. 2 ) The story that Hawthorne planned to publish the book as a novella and was convinced by his publisher to make it a full length novel is untrue. 3 ) The manuscript for the novel was written at 14 Ma.. St., Salem MA at the Peter Edgerley House. The house still stands. 4 ) Hawthorne believed the book would not be popular due to some portions which were “powerfully written”. 5 ) Contradictory to Hawthorne’s forecast, The Scarlet Letter was an instant best seller. 6 ) The Scarlet Letter started Hawthorne’s best period as a literary author. 7 ) Even though the novel sold many copies, it only brought in $1,500 to its author over a period of fourteen years. 8 ) Upon publications, protests arose in Salem due to the town’s depiction. 9…

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