The contrast between the romanticized ideals which he was taught, and the experience of a country torn by a civil war an interesting aspect of the book
Operation Bethlehem by Yariv Inbar is a fascinating glimpse into a world where the heroes are anonymous and want to stay that way
This book is a fantastic account of a terrifying event that very few know about. I was on the edge of my seat till the end … & I knew how it was going to end
I enjoyed reading about Captain Kaspar’s inexperience and naiveite, coming into an occupied land still crawling with Nazis, and their victims
My favorite part of Never by Ken Follettwas almost a step-by-step telling of how on-the-ground intelligence impacts national policy
I appreciate what the authors tried, and somewhat succeeded to do in this book. They brought together warriors of past decades and intertwined their fates
Mr. Gray did a vast amount of research, it certainly shows in this book which is both dark and moody. Kudos to him for writing about the unknown soldiers
Members of the CIA’s National Clandestine Service sent to rescue a group of archaeologists from Iraq they come face to face with several surprises
The year is 2032 and Gilbert “Gent” Gentilhomme, a professional solider, commander and mercenary, is being sent around the world fighting for corporations
A historical fiction book taking place in the early 1940’s when General Erwin Rommel’s (The Dessert Fox) troops were intent on capturing the Mid East oil fields