The Red Lantern Corps goes on a killing rage throughout the universe when the Third Army shows up.The Manhunters help Atrocitus needs help to defeat the Army
The powerful Red Lantern Abysmus has been freed and on a mission to destroy all life, and the Red Lanterns by poising their battery.
This volume focuses on how Atrocitus created the corps fighting various enemies, the mission of the Red Lanterns, backstories, and civil war.
Breach by W.L. Goodwater is a novel taking place in the aftermath of World War II, where the remaining powers fight with magic as well as conventional means.
Superman has been ruling humanity for four years with an iron fist. The gods of Olympus have been trying to overthrow Superman but their regime is not better
What would happen if Zeus demanded religions be abandoned ? How would Superman fair vs Greek gods? How will the world react to the Greek pantheon?
Ahab’s Return: or, The Last Voyage by Jeffery Lord is a novel, imagining the famous Captain Ahab coming back from, what thought to have been, his last sail
Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett a smart novel in a complex world where humans can tap the consciousness of objects convincing them that they are different
A novel with an intriguing premise: how, or if, your life would change if you knew the day of your death?
The story actually has three protagonists, Max Cohn, a kid in present day Los Angeles, Moshe Goldenhirsch who is a young Jewish man at the heyday of World War II, and again, Moshe as an elderly retiree in present day Los Angeles