The novel is strongest in its depiction of the day-to-day living with a person suffering from Alzheimer’s. An undignified way to slowly die for those affected.
To the Greatest Heights: Facing Danger, Finding Humility, and Climbing a Mountain of Truth by Vanessa O’Brien is a memoir of this world record breaking explorer
The Volunteer by Salvatore Scibona tells of young boy is stranded at Hamburg Fuhlsbuettel Airport in 2010. He speaks no German, it seems as if he was abandoned
American Spy tells of Marie Mitchell works as an FBI intelligence officer, but cannot break into the old boys club being an African-American woman.
Stanley Huang has claimed for years that he is very rich. Now that Stanley Huanghas pancreatic cancer his family wants details of his fortune to be revealed.
The Lighthouse Keeper’s Daughter by Hazel Gaynor tells of Grace Darling, a celebrated heroine, and her ancestor a hundred years later.