A hilarious, thought-provoking novel, narrated by a retired professor, delves into microaggressions, assimilation, and legacy of the Inquisition
I thought this book was very well researched, the author stayed within the rigid historical timeline while telling a fictional story
A fascinating, well researched, and very ambitious effort. The story captures the immense wealth, of Babylon a long with world building grounded in history.
A Tale of One January by Albert Maltz is a historical-fiction story of two women who escaped from a Nazi death March in January, 1945
I enjoyed this book much more than I thought I would. However, I could not shake the feeling that the author was writing for the screen, and not for a book
The parrot of a young Jewish refugee constantly rattles off numbers in German. There’s much speculation about the numbers, and than a murder happeneds
After finishing the book, the first thing that stood up in my mind is the quality of the writing. In these short stories, sometimes a whole world was discovered
The author tackles several important topics religion, anti-Semitism, coming of age, discovery, love, as well as family, and loyalty, are some of them
Rabbi Adam is awaiting a family wedding, when Lilith, an ancient evil, adducts his children. Rabbi Adam must create a golem and find his way to the underworld.
The novel is strongest in its depiction of the day-to-day living with a person suffering from Alzheimer’s. An undignified way to slowly die for those affected.