Night by Ellie Wiesel is a memoir of the author’s experiences with his father in the Nazi concentration camps of Auschwitz and Buchenwald
Benghazi-Bergen-Belsen (בנגאזי–ברגן־בלזן ) Yossi Sucary tells of the plight of North African and Libyan Jews during World War II
A biography of Anna Rosenberg, a Hungarian Jewish immigrant who helped millions of Americans through legislation, competence, and leadership
The Pharmacist of Auschwitz is an engrossing book. I was fascinated by two aspects of the book, the role of business in the killing, and Nazi hunters
A small, but significant slice of history. The village of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon became part of a wide network to rescue Jews from the Nazi killing machine
The book tells of the camps by following Peter Fleischmann, a Jewish aspiring artist, and orphan who got to England through the kindertransport
Agent Josephine is a mini-biography about Josephine Baker. The book is mainly concerned with the star’s career as a secret agent
The brothers were moved between several work camps, including Auschwitz managing to survive due to their ability to fix watches and a good amount of chutzpah
What happens when you recruit a bunch of rogue geniuses and send them to enemy territory to save the world?
You get a great story
Bernard Sandler, a 17-year-old English boy from Yorkshire is on a school trip to the United States and finds himself stranded It’s 1939, and WWII has escalated