“Stalina” by Emily Rubin is the fictional story of a Russian immigrant to the United States. The story takes place after the fall of the Soviet Union.
“The Six Wives of Henry VIII” by Alison Weir is the fascinating history and chronology of the court of Henry VIII, his love life and court intrigue.
Michael Korda treats this pivotal occurrence in the life of T.E. Lawrence’s with sensitivity and seriousness it deserves.
This book is certainly worth reading, there are some faults but it is a wonderful first effort by Mr. Lukas who certainly has a story telling capability
Joe is not a perfect narrator and after finishing the book I finally saw what the author was trying to convey, a hard man making a hard living
An easy read and well written story. The narrative is clean and sometime even lyrical. The characters are multi-dimensional, vivid and fully realized
While not written in chronological order, the book is thought provoking as it deals with people impacted by decisions of world leaders thousands of miles away.
Cleopatra is portrayed as an intelligent, educated power broker who knew how to persuade kings to come to her side and her people to support her.
A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick is told in vivid narrative, it is sinful and tense, with flashes of violence, graphic sexual acts and grief
The book follows a young boy named Daniel and has possibly one of the best literary inventions of the decade the “Cemetery of Forgotten Books”.