The book shows us the same traveling experience through three sets of eyes, Mrs. Sengupta, Satya, and the American Rebecca Elliot.
Leon Uris (3 August, 1924 – 21 June, 2003) was an American author who is mostly known for his two historical fiction books Exodus and Trinity.
Kate Bishop, Hawkeye’s girlfriend who is the new Hawkeye, needs to get away from Clint Barton and New York, so she head to Los Angeles – with the dog.
What To Do About The Solomons takes place in a supposedly socialistic society, there is still the matter of inheritance whether they live in a kibbutz or not.
Bret Harte (25 August, 1836 – 5 May, 1902) was a short story writer whose stories featured the people of the California Gold Rush.
The story actually has three protagonists, Max Cohn, a kid in present day Los Angeles, Moshe Goldenhirsch who is a young Jewish man at the heyday of World War II, and again, Moshe as an elderly retiree in present day Los Angeles
Being embedded with American troops is no joke, as he soon finds out
The novel does a good job informing the reader how terrorist organizations develop and the threats they pose to Americans and American interests
This book is a comprehensive look at Jobs’ life, not just his time in Apple
An excellent biography of a President who was probably the most influential person to hold office between Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln