The narrative follows the author and his brother, an Army veteran and a college graduate, who decided to hike the Appalachian Trail from north to south over five months. The pair goes through their own revelations while trudging through physical difficulties which the trail offers.
The book covers what it takes to keeping soldiers effective in the field. The author mostly concentrates on science and technology, but touches on policy as well. Actually, she is more amazed by the policy and how it has been implemented, but that’s a small part of the overall narrative.
Bernard DeVoto was an American writer, historian, editor, and teacher. Mr. DeVoto is remembered as a champion of public land conversation and civil liberties.
The Allies: Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, and the Unlikely Alliance That Won World War II – recounts how Russia became and unlikely ally with the US & England
I never thought I’d enjoy a book about pigeons. A thrilling book about an oddball corner of history including brave citizens, and creative intelligence officers
The book immediately caught my attention since I really enjoy these min-biographies which delve in depth into a short, but meaningful time in the subject’s life
Sally Ketchum came from a poor family of farmers, her mundane life were changed forever once she enrolled in the Women Airforce Service Pilot (WASP) program.
Author and cartoonist Mort Walker is mostly known for creating the comic strip Beetle Bailey in 1950 as well as Hi and Lois in 1954