Book Review: Playing For Pizza by John Grisham

February 6, 2011


“Playing for Pizza” by John Grisham is a fictional book mostly set in Italy. This fish-out-of-water story is perfect for the reader/sport lover and could be read in one sitting. Those fast enough will probablly be able to read most of it during today’s Superbowl half-time show.

  • 320 pages
  • Publisher: Dell Publishing
  • Language ‏ : English
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : 0440244714

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“Playing for Pizza” by John Grisham is a charming short novel which enthralls the reader about the culinary, cultural and architectural marvels of Italy through the fall and rise of a loser NFL quarterback. Rick Dockery cannot get any NFL team to touch him with a ten foot pole after blowing a 17 point lead in a championship game. His manager finds him a starting position in Italy with the Parma Panthers.

Along his journey Mr. Dockery discovers the passion he lost to football and loses his egotistical ways. Regardless of the sports theme, this book is a gastronomic delight as the fast food fed Quarterback discovers the culinary delights of Italy.

The Italian Tourism Board should send this book to everyone requesting information, along with their standard brochures. The book simply makes you want to hop on a plane and go.

I found this book charming. The pace is good, the story flows and the characters are likable. This book is not a deep, serious, philosophical, preachy novel or legal novel, but it is cute, enjoyable and a wonderful read for a long airplane / train / car journey, the beach, just on a lazy weekend or as mentioned before, during the Super Bowl.


Rick Dockery is a third string quarterback of the Cleveland Browns and a player journalists love to hate as well as fans. Rick threw three interceptions minutes before the AFC championship game ended.
The Browns’ fans don’t care much for Rick either.

Rick finds refuge in the Italian National Football League as the new quarterback of the Parma Panthers. While the players learn to cope with Rick’s big ego, Rick learns to appreciate the splendors of Italian cuisine and culture.

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More Books by John Grisham*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I bought this book.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on b

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Playing For Pizza by John GrishamPlaying For Pizza by John Grisham

Playing For Pizza By John Grisham


  • 03ec6da5f246fbbdcb27ff9d23904927
    Melissa McFebruary 6, 2011 at 10:09 am

    Loved your review…but HATED the book! 🙂 My two greatest pleasures and passions — Italy and Football — I thought were written in with triteness and stereotype.

    • 86c0a0f97ec725b64c693cd9b30e3aa1
      zoharFebruary 7, 2011 at 8:11 am

      LOL, thanks. I didn’t expect anything from this book and found out it was charming.

  • 092d6f6c746d2f3f5f84176e1322cb19
    NatalieFebruary 8, 2011 at 3:25 pm

    Never heard of this book and now I’m curious. Will have to add it to my list.
    Nice review!
    Natalie :0)

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