Search results for: library

Superman / Man of Steel Library Display
Latest Posts / June 5, 2013

For a long time I have been collecting Superman “stuff”. At first it was little things, but later on became high-end collectibles (statues, movie props, cells, original comic art, etc). That was, of course BK (Before Kids), but now they at least have a well decorated play room in the basement. As well all know, the new Superman movie, aptly named Man of Steel is due to hit theaters June 14 so the local library promptly agreed to display a small part of my collection. Here is the display in all its glory. Yes, that is Christopher Reeve’s cape

Greed vs. Library eBook Lending
Opinion / March 14, 2011

In the news last week it was announced that certain publishers decided that eBooks which have been sold to libraries will have a license to allow a book to be loaned 26 times before the embedded DRM (Digital Rights Management system) kicks in so the library will have to buy a new copy.

NYC Public Library Book Exhibit – The Three Faiths
Opinion / December 2, 2010

On Tuesday my family and I went to New York City for a showing of the “Radio City Christmas Spectacular”. We had some time to kill before the show, being that it was also the lighting of the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center the streets were blocked and we simply walked around our favorite city. We passed the New York City Public Library on 5th Ave. and decided to take a break (it also seem to start raining). The main branch of the library is a magnificent building which is by itself worth a visit. A gallery of marble, carved wood and unbelievable paintings greet the patrons. I wanted to see the Gutenberg bible which is usually on display. I’ve had several reasons: 1) I never saw it 2) It’s an important book 3) I wanted my wife and kids to see it and talk about its importance …so I dragged them along. However, the bible was featured as part of an exhibit which was called “The Three Faiths” featuring 200 rare books created over the past 1,500 years of Judaism, Christianity and the Muslim faiths. Any book lover who is in NYC must go see this beautiful exhibit. The…

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