Fun Facts Friday: Louis L’Amour

March 22, 2024

Louis L’Amour (22 March, 1908 – 10 June, 1988) was a best selling American writer, known for his Western novels.

Fun Facts Friday: Louis L’Amour
Photo from the North Dakota Office of the Governor

Books by Louis L’Amour*

Fun Facts about Louis L’Amour:

  1. Louis Dearborn LaMoore was born in Jamestown, North Dakota. He was the sevenths child of Emily, a veterinarian, and Louis Charles LaMoore, a businessman and local politician.
  2. His father, a decedent of French-Canadians, changed the spelling of their last name from L’Amour to LaMoore.
  3. The family’s barn served as a veterinary hospital, a playground, and a boxing ring for the LaMoore men.
  4. At the time Jamestown, ND was mostly farming country, the young LaMoore boys often met cowboys coming through. From their stories, as well as his grandfather, Abraham Truman Dearborn, the young, impressionable boy learned about the cowboy lifestyle, work, and adventure.
  5. Young Louis Lamoore spent much of his time the at the Alfred Dickey Free Library, exploring the worlds of Robert Louis Stevenson, Jack London, Edgar Rice Burroughs, the sciences and history.
  6. Eventually the family started to move around, looking for better prospects. They lived in west Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Nevada. The future author met a wide variety of people, many of whom remember the Old West, and modeled many of his characters on them.
  7. Before becoming a writer, Louis LaMoore had many jobs such as professional boxer, and merchant seaman. He also traveled all around the United States and the world vising Japan, China, England, Egypt, Panama, Borneo and other countries.
  8. At first, he succeeded with his poetry writing, but his short stories didn’t find an audience. Eventually his stories got published in pulp magazines on a regular basis. This was until the start of World War II where he served as an Army lieutenant with the 362nd Quartermaster Truck Company. After the work he continued to write for magazines until the 1950s, where he started to sell novels and his career took off.
  9. Louis L’Amour ultimately wrote 100 novels, more than 250 short stories, and sold about 320 million copies, including translations to over ten languages.
  10. In 1982 President Ronald Regan awarded Louis L’Amour the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Books by Louis L’Amour*

Zohar — Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books


A Brief Biography of Louis L’Amour |

Louis L’Amour | Discover Jamestown, North Dakota

Louis L’Amour | Wikipedia

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Fun Facts Friday: Louis L’Amour
Louis L’Amour (22 March, 1908 – 10 June, 1988) was a best selling American writer, known for his Western novels writing 100 novels, more than 250 short stories
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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