Search results for: Edgar Allan Poe

Fun Facts Friday: Washington Irving
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / April 3, 2015

In his book A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (1828) Washington Irving gave birth to the myth that people during Columbus’ time thought the Earth was flat and Columbus set out to prove them wrong. (Inventing the Flat Earth by Jeffrey Russell) In the 1490s people argues about the size of the Earth, not its shape, in fact in 1492, when Columbus set sail, the first globes were produces.

Thoughts on: Georg Letham: Physician and Murderer by Ernst Weiss
5 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / November 13, 2011

Georg Letham is unhappy in his marriage but happy in his research. When the opportunity knocks he injects his older, wealthier and well insured wife with the lethal poison Agent Y. However, as good as a physician as Georg is he botches up the cover-up. Not only does he leave the syringe in the crime scene but also confesses to his father, an official in the Austrian bureaucracy.

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