Search results for: Dublin

Fun Facts Friday: Seán O’Casey
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / March 30, 2018

Seán O’Casey (30 March, 1880 – 18 September, 1964) was an Irish dramatist and playwright. 1) Suffering from poor eyesight, you Mr. O’Casey had trouble at school, but taught himself to read and write by age 13. 2) His father died with he was six years old, and the family (of thirteen!) had to move from house to house in North Dublin. 3) At age fourteen Mr. O’Casey left school and started working. Life was hard and he was once fired because he did not take his cap off when collecting his pay. 4) His birth name is John, but as he got more involved in politics and took up the Irish nationalist cause, he changed his name to Sean. 5) He got his inspiration to write after Thomas Ashe, a friend, died in a hunger strike in 1917. 6) His 1923 play, The Shadow of a Gunman, was the first to be accepted and performed at the Abbey Theatre, which began a long and fruitful relationship. 7) Mr. O’Casey is known as the first Irish playwright to write about Dublin’s working class. 8) In 1934, while visiting New York City for the production of his play Within the Gates, he met and friended Eugene O’Neill. He liked the production…

Fun Facts Friday: Dr. Samuel Johnson
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / September 18, 2015

Dr. Samuel Johnson (18 September, 1709 – 12 December, 1784) was an English write, poet and essayist who has made large contributions to English literature. “Samuel Johnson by Joshua Reynolds 2” by Joshua Reynolds – Originally in English Wikipedia, uploaded 21:07, 2005 June 14 by w:User:Geogre Scanned from: Rogers, Pat (2001). The Oxford Illustrated History of English Literature. Oxford University Press, p. 241. ISBN 1435295811. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons. Born in Lichfield, Staffordshire, Samuel Johnson showed much intelligence as a child, he started school at the age of 4 and was doing so well he was promoted to the upper school at 9. Johnson has been referred to as “arguably the most distinguished man of letters in English history”. Johnson’s A Dictionary of the English Language (1755) has a great effect on modern English. The dictionary was described as “one of the greatest single achievements of scholarship”. Johnson is the subject of James Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson, a biography which was described as “the most famous single work of biographical art in the whole of literature”. Johnson was known for his strange behavior and mannerisms, some of which were described in Life of Samuel Johnson. Posthumously, Dr….

Guest Post: David Fennelly
Guest Posts , Latest Posts / December 3, 2014

Inkshares is the new frontier in publishing, combining the best of both worlds, hard copy and electronic. Inkshares is very ‘now’. Moreover, a legacy publisher takes 90% of the revenue, with just 10% going to the author. With Inkshares the split is 70-30, in the author’s favour. A much better deal for the writer.

Author Q and A with John Connolly
Author Q&A / November 24, 2010

John Connolly is a best selling author journalist & radio show host. I was introduced to John’s work reading “The Gates” a supernatural book which I loved

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