Search results for: fleming

eBook Giveaway: Chakana by W. E. Lawrence
Guest Posts , Latest Posts / September 21, 2016

W. E. Lawrence’s latest historical romance novel Chakana is a James Bond meets Indiana Jones action/adventure story. It is set in Peru, just before the start of World War II. The basis of the tale is a race between good and evil to find an ancient treasure that could affect the outcome of the war before it even begins. It’s filled with danger, suspense, some humor, and even a torrid romance (with sex scenes). The publisher is giv­ing away one copy of this book –to enter fill out the Raf­fle­copt­ter form at the end of the post. Synopsis: In 1940, before the start of World War II, James Fleming, the original British secret agent, races on a high-stakes chase to track down the ancient lost treasure of King Huascar of the Incas. He must recover it before the Nazis do or the whole world will be in imminent danger. But this is no ordinary treasure hunt. The Incas have proven their cunning and intellect in not only how they hid their treasure, but how they protected it. Fleming joins forces in the remote ruins of Peru, South America with Kate Rhodes, a policewoman on leave from the United States, her archaeologist brother,…

Book Review: The Swimmer by Joakim Zander
4 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / February 11, 2015

Klara Walldéen is an aide to the European Union Parliament who is working in Brussels. Klara grew up with her grandparents on a remote archipelago in Sweden. Accidentally Klara has gotten possession of a laptop containing information that the European Union as well as the US government does not want to be publicized.

Armchair BEA – Introduction
Latest Posts / May 28, 2013

1. Who are you? I’m Zohar, been blogging for about 3.5 years but I feel as if I’m getting worst at it instead of better. I got into blogging because I wanted to write my thoughts about the books I read and have some feedback. Simple. 2. Where in the world are you blogging from? Tell a random fact or something special about your current location. Feel free to share pictures. I’m blogging from Delaware, we just moved here (we’re on the DE, NJ, PA border) from NJ due to my work. I have a hell of a commute but the kids are in a good school and my wife loves the area. There is a horse park right around the corner which my daughter loves. 3. Have you previously participated in Armchair BEA? What brought you back for another year? If you have not previously participated, what drew you to the event? I’m back for another year, I’ve done this event two years in a row (this is my third) and I always seem to miss the initial post. It’s a fun event and I was really thinking I’d go to the BEA this year in NYC, but it…

Book Blogger Appreciation Week — Day 2
Latest Posts / September 11, 2012

In which interview myself…. Do you snack while you read? If so, favorite reading snack? Snacking and reading – a dangerous pastime. I usually don’t snack and read, but I love to do so, the only time I do read and eat is during lunch. Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you? I don’t mark my books, but the idea doesn’t horrify me either. I actually think it’s a good idea but I never got used to doing so, maybe because the first book I actually bought instead of borrow from the library was in my teens. How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ears? Laying the book flat open? I use a bookmark, it’s more convenient than dog ears or laying the book flat (which in a house with two kids won’t last long). Fiction, Non-fiction, or both? Both but I try to mix them up (reading one fiction, one non-fiction). I also like to read fiction books about topics I am interested in a non-fiction area. Hard copy or audiobooks? Hard copy. Are you a person who tends to read to…

Literature in the Olympic Opening Ceremony
Latest Posts , Opinion / July 30, 2012

When you play at it by day with the chairs and table-cloth, it is not in the least alarming, but in the two minutes before you go to sleep it becomes very real As I was watching the Olympic Games Opening Ceremonies I couldn’t help be impressed with the presentation, scope, audacity and vision of the program. While some of my friends didn’t care for the program I thought it was brilliant. The ceremony was not meant to glorify the Olympic Games but for the English to boast about their country, promote tourism and welcome nations while navigating the viewers and guests through exciting numbers which include history, culture and literature all set to a wonderfully rich soundtrack. It was heartwarming to see the program recognize the great contributions to literature which have come from England. Starting with J.K. Rowling reading a favored selection from Peter Pan mentioned above (and doing a beautiful job, by the way) to Danny Boyle, the director, including many children’s books in the segment. I recognized characters from Lord Voldemort – main villain in the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling, Captain Hook from Peter Pan, Mary Poppins – heroine of the books by P.L….

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