Fun Facts Friday: Louis Bromfield

December 27, 2013

Louis Bromfield (27 December, 1896 – 18 March, 1956) was a prolific American writer and a pioneer of farming concepts.

Fun Facts Friday: Louis Bromfield

Books by Louis Bromfield

  1. The author’s original name was Brumfield, but he chanced it after it was misspelled on one of his earlier works.
  2. Bromfield’s home was called Malabar farm and was the location of Humphrey Bogart’s and Lauren Bacall’s wedding.
  3. Bromfield served in the American Field Services (ambulance drivers) during World War I.
  4. He was awarded the Croix de Guerre and the Legion of Honor for his service.
  5. Bromfield’s first novel, The Green Bay Tree (1924) won instant recognition.
  6. Bromfield’s novel, Early Autumn, won the 1927 Pulitzer Prize.
  7. About 30 of Bromfield’s books became best sellers and many because successful movies.
  8. The Bromfields moved to France for 13 years, between the two world wars. However when World War II became a threatening reality, they returned to the states where Bromfield bought a 1,000 acres farm near his hometown of Mansfield, OH.
  9. Bromfield was a believer in organic and self-sustaining farming and was on of the first to stop using pesticides.
  10. Bromfield’s visionary work continues to influence agricultural methodologies today, he was posthumously elected to the Ohio Agricultural Hall of Fame, his bus is in the lobby of the Ohio Department of Agriculture and thousands of visitors flock to Malabar Farm State Park which operates under his management philosophy.

Books by Louis Bromfield

Zohar – Man of la Book

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  • techeditorDecember 8, 2013 at 8:43 am

    I’m reading this book now, a little more than 3/4 of the way through it. I never would have picked it up if I hadn’t won it from I was turned off by words like “magical” and “spiritual” in the description. But I was wrong, I know now.

    Other readers shouldn’t let this book’s description scare them off like it almost did me. It’s a very good book, and there’s nothing silly or stupid about it, as I had feared.

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