Thoughts on: Inside Delta Force by Eric L. Haney

May 28, 2012
Article first published asBook Review:Inside Delta Force: The Story of America’s Elite Counterterrorist Unitby Eric L. Haneyon Blogcritics.

Inside Delta Force: The Story of America’s Elite Counterterrorist Unitby Eric L. Haney is a memoir of the author as one of the founding member of the Army’s elite Delta Force.

  • 336 pages
  • Publisher:Delacorte Press
  • Language:English
  • ISBN-10:0385336039

Book Review: Inside Delta Force by Eric L. Haney

My rating for Inside Delta Force5

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Inside Delta Force: The Story of America’s Elite Counterterrorist Unitby Eric L. Haney is a gripping book which is hard to put down. Mr. Haney was privy to many of the group’s early events which, as time went on, became legendary within Delta Force, the Army and military lore.

Mr. Haney had known Delta Force founder Colonel Charlie Beckwith whose vision it was to start the team and the guts to start it from scratch. The rough physical and mental entrance criteria are described as the new organization was based on the British elite Special Air Services (SAS) commando unit. This new team was truly made up of certain type of people, CIA operatives, soldiers, Secret Service and even criminals who brought in highly skilled “on the job” knowledge of explosives.

The first hand accounts are truly memorizing and read like a first rate suspense novel – and this is only the training, the missions are on another level altogether. Once the author gets past the training and writes about the mission, about the team with “fangs” the narrative starts to span the globe, from Beirut to Iran to Central America – all operations which many of us who pay a bit attention to world affairs might have heard about.

To get inside insight to these events is truly remarkable and I feel privileged to have been able to read them. It is important to note though that the author, for security reasons, could not go into too much detail about the operational details in the latter half of the book.

Military memoirs are always fascinating, this book is different because it explores the building of an elite force as well as “Mr. Reagan’s secret wars in Central America” which gives the reader insight into what is done in their name, without their knowledge and/or consent. A well written book, storytelling which is inspirational with many colorful characters, intense battle scenes and plenty of mayhem and destruction.

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Zohar – Man of la Book
Disclaimer: I bought this book.

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  • Gently MadMay 30, 2012 at 8:46 pm

    I want to read this book. A friend of mine’s son is in this force and has served in Iraq and is on his way to Afghanistan. I already know his personal experiences are amazing but I would like to read about their training. Thanks for the review.

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