Guest Post: Reading Nook Ideas to Elevate Your Space

September 16, 2021

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If you’re a reader, chances are, you have several favorite spots to read. After all, you have to sit somewhere as you’re being transported to another world. Maybe you have a favorite chair, you cozy up on your favorite rug, or you prefer the comfort of a soft pillow. It might be time to combine them all—to carve one spot out and create a reading nook. And what better way to do it than creating your nook around books?

Seeing as the last sentence was a little whimsical, you might be able to guess where we’re going with this one: a Dr. Seuss-inspired nook. The illustrations and ideas in Dr. Seuss books are playful and otherworldly (and a bit over-the-top) so bring in lots of colors. The idea here is to create a fun environment for your children to read in (unless you like it, too).

For decor ideas more suitable for all ages, you might want to try modeling it after a genre. The fantasy genre contains many components that might be inspirational or useful when creating a space. Many fantasy stories begin in a small, mysterious space (Harry Potter, Narnia, Coraline) and that might be a good place to start. You also could try adding string lights to make the space more mystical and enchanting.

If you’d like to create a reading nook for yourself, take inspiration from something—or someone—specific. As a bibliophile, you likely have a favorite author. Try to recreate the world that your favorite author inhabits when they write—take the themes and settings that come up in their work, and bring it into your own space. For example, Hemingway has a classical, nautical, minimalist style that you could incorporate into your nook.

Lastly, feel free to get creative with your space. You can retreat to the attic, a walk-in closet, or simply a chair in your bedroom corner. Happy reading

Image source: Angi

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Guest Post: Reading Nook Ideas to Elevate Your Space
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Reading Nook Ideas to Elevate Your Space
For decor ideas more suitable for all ages, you might want to try modeling it after a genre. The fantasy genre contains many components that might be inspirational or useful when creating a space
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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