Guest Post: Overcome Your Writer’s Block by Getting Inspired

December 7, 2021

Writer’s block can happen to anyone. But, that doesn’t make it less frustrating when you’re dealing with it – especially if you have deadlines looming. It’s easy to start feeling down on yourself and lose your confidence during a block, no matter how long you’ve been in the writing game.

Image Source: Unsplash

Overcome Your Writer S Block By Getting Inspired

Image Source: Unsplash

But again, it happens to everyone and can happen at any time for a variety of reasons. The good news? There are things you can do to work through it.

The best way? Find something that inspires you.

If that sounds easier said than done, it doesn’t have to be. Writer’s block often stems from fear, perfectionism, self-criticism, or external pressure. Inspiration can trump all of those things. With that in mind, let’s look at a few things that can help you to feel more inspired so you can start writing with confidence again.

Get Outside

Arguably, there may be no better place to get inspired than in nature. Spending time outside has many mental and physical health benefits, including:

  • Boosted mood
  • Reduced stress
  • Stronger cognitive function
  • Greater sense of self

Nature is also known to boost creativity, which can help with inspiration.

The best part is that there are virtually no limits to how you can spend your time outdoors. You could give yourself an additional mental health boost by exercising. Go for a hike or run and you’ll increase your endorphins and feel happier. Or, you can choose to clear your mind entirely by meditating outside, or simply taking in your surroundings.

Starting an outdoor hobby is another great way to increase inspiration. So, ditch your cell phone you’ve been staring at all day. It can quickly become an addiction and deprive you of spending inspirational time outdoors. Limiting your digital devices altogether can make a big difference and increase your desire to get outside. Whatever you decide to do while you’re out there, make sure you’re off the grid as much as possible.

Change Your Environment

If you’re a professional writer, you probably have a dedicated space in your home or even an office you go to each day. That, in general, is a good thing. Having your own personal writing space can increase your productivity and make it easier to focus.

But, spending every second in the same space each day can also cause your inspiration to eventually fall flat.

So, while you shouldn’t give up your writing space, consider changing your environment and scenery from time to time, especially if you’re dealing with writer’s block. Go to a local park, or rent a vacation home that gives you serene views of the water. You might even consider a move to change your environment that offers you scenery to improve your relaxation and boost your inspiration. Living somewhere more relaxing, like waterfront property, can balance your mood, improve your sleep, and boost your immune system.

If you’re not ready for a move, taking a few days away from home can make a difference. Even changing up your scenery for an afternoon can help, so don’t be afraid to go to a local coffee shop, art gallery, or even an area library to feel inspired by the world around you.

Let Others Inspire you

No matter what you write, someone initially inspired you to take it on as a career. Maybe it was a book you read as a child. Maybe your father was a journalist and you wanted to follow in his footsteps. Perhaps you were on a completely different career path and a piece of writing caused you to change directions.

People are incredibly inspiring, and that doesn’t go away. Choose to make those people a big part of your life, so you can find inspiration from them every day. You can do that by:

  • Reading the works of authors you admire
  • Following some of your favorite people on social media
  • Talking to friends and family members you look up to
  • Reading classic literature
  • Staying up-to-date with the latest writing trends

Not only can you gain new ideas and boost your creativity this way, but you’ll be reminded of what caused you to start writing in the first place. Sometimes, looking at the work of others or talking to people who are important fixtures in your life can light the “spark” you need to get your creative juices flowing again.

There are many additional ways to ignite your inspiration and overcome writer’s block. Some people carry a journal around with them to jot down ideas. Others listen to music. Some people take quite a bit of time off and wait for inspiration to strike without any added pressure.

There isn’t one “right” way to overcome writer’s block. The important thing is to know that it doesn’t have to last forever. Try some of these suggestions to get inspired and to come up with your next great idea.

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Guest Post: Overcome Your Writer’s Block by Getting Inspired
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Guest Post: Overcome Your Writer’s Block by Getting Inspired
Writer’s block can happen to anyone. But, that doesn’t make it less frustrating when you’re dealing with it – especially if you have deadlines looming. It’s easy to start feeling down on yourself and lose your confidence during a block, no matter how long you’ve been in the writing game.
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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