Superman Vol. 1: The Unity Saga: Phantom Earth by Brian Michael Bendis (illustrated by Ivan Reis) is a graphic novel which makes Superman look at his role in a different light. This graphic novel collects Superman #1 – 6.
- 168 pages
- Publisher: DC Comics
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1401288197
My rating for Superman Vol. 1: The Unity Saga: Phantom Earth –4
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More Books by Brian Michael Bendis *
I had no idea what to expect from Superman Vol. 1: The Unity Saga: Phantom Earth by Brian Michael Bendis (illustrated by Ivan Reis), I enjoyed the DC Universe Rebirth series and was curious about where DC Comics is going to take my favorite superhero to. Right off the bat I started to enjoy this graphic novel, the story was easy to follow and not too convoluted.
The writer managed to tell an interesting story, allow the characters to grow as well as a rounded supporting cast. The story is cool, but I thought the main reason the villains are there is just to allow Superman to punch something.
There are many characters from the DC comic book universe appearing all over the book, from Adam Strange to Martian Manhunter. I haven’t read many of the stories the past few years, but it seemed to me that Martian Manhunter is action totally out of characters (trying to push Superman towards fascism by taking control of Earth).
The art was good, I don’t always enjoy the representation of my favorite hero, and actually I’m quite critical. Some of the pages were choppy, but I have no real issues with it.
I always maintained that Superman is not an easy character to write. A superhero that has very little physical challenges, writing a viable villain is difficult and he always does the right thing. Mr. Bendis gets the character, concentrating on the “man” and little on the “super, putting together a strong and entertaining arc.
STAR Labs were screwing around and caused a mess by beaming the Earth into The Phantom Zone. The Phantom Zone is dimensional prison used on Krypton.
In The Phantom Zone, Superman meets General Zod and Rogol Zaar who wants to kill every Kryptonian he meets since they destroyed his planet.
Buy Superman Vol. 1: The Unity Saga: Phantom Earth from Amazon.com*
More Books by Brian Michael Bendis *
Zohar — Man of la Book
Disclaimer:I got this book for free.
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