Graphic Novel Review: Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 2: The Victim Syndicate (Rebirth) by James Tynion IV

February 5, 2018

Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 2: The Victim Syndicate (Rebirth) by James Tynion IV (illustrated by Eddy Barrows and Alvaro Martinez) sees the innocent victims maimed by Batman’s enemies band together to blame the hero for their misfortune. This graphic novel collected the issues of Detective Comics #943-949.

  • 168 pages
  • Publisher:DC Comics (May 16, 2017)
  • Language:English
  • ISBN-10:1401268919

Graphic Novel Review: Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 2: The Victim Syndicate (Rebirth) by James Tynion IV
My rat­ing for Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 2: The Victim Syndicate (Rebirth)5
Buy Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 2: The Victim Syndicate (Rebirth) from*
More Books by James Tynion, IV

The story of Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 2: The Victim Syndicate (Rebirth) by James Tynion, IV (illustrated by Eddy Barrows and Alvaro Martinez) is very interesting, and to be honest it’s something I have thought about here and there. Heroes who fight, destroy buildings and city streets much have many innocent victims in their wake, even if they try to minimize the damage. In this story the victims, meta-humans now but still troubled souls, fight back blaming Batman for their misfortune.
I think they have a good point.

In this issue Stephanie Brown, A.K.A Spoiler, gets a lot of attention in this graphic novel. We get to understand Spoiler, her motivation and history. Clayface also gets some attention and he is slowly becoming one of my favorite characters.
The best thing is that all this is done within the context of the story and doesn’t feel forced

I thought this graphic novel was well done and very put together, the team’s hard work really bears fruit. The philosophical ideas behind the superhero storyline really come forth instead of being thought upon as an offhand gesture towards the fans.

Batman and his villains always created mayhem wherever they fought, this time the innocent victims are fighting back. They blame Batman just as much as they blame the villains. Batman and his new team take on these troubled folks.

Buy Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 2: The Victim Syndicate (Rebirth) from*
More Books by James Tynion, IV

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I borrowed this graphic novel from a friend.
*Ama­zon links point to an affiliate account

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