Google Friends Connect – No More

December 1, 2011

Google has announced that they will no longer support Google Friends Connect (GFC) on non-blogger blogs such as That is too bad, I found GFC to be a useful application working in connection with my Google Reader.

If you do follow with GFC you can sign up to follow via email (link on the right), RSS Feed, Networked Blogs (link on the right) or Google+.

So tell me, will you miss GFC?

Zohar – Man of la Book

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  • kayeDecember 1, 2011 at 10:44 am

    Somehow I missed this announcement. So it’s only for blogs that are not on blogspot, correct? I follow a lot of blogs on WP or self hosted. I do not want to follow by e mail. Pain in the neck! I will miss GFC. I like to see what’s being posted on all the blogs I follow through my dashboard. I don’t even like the google reader.

    • Zohar - Man of la BookDecember 1, 2011 at 10:47 am

      Yes, it will be a pain. You should see if your dashboard accepts RSS feeds (that’s all GFC does).

  • KatieDecember 1, 2011 at 12:52 pm

    Hi Zohar,

    The blog carnival site is playing up and I’d like to submit a post to this month’s Book Review Carnival – please let me know if you get this:

    8 Beautiful Books that will Make You Weep

    A selection of beautiful tearjerker novels including Angela’s Ashes, Sophie’s Choice and One Hundred Years of Solitude.

    I look forward to your carnival post.



  • Alex BaughDecember 1, 2011 at 4:13 pm

    Google is getting to be a pain. I haven’t the faintest how google +1 works, but I guess I will have to find out now. I have a feeling I will be liking GFC more, but my tough luck.

    I signed up for +1 and added you.

  • Heather (ham1299)December 3, 2011 at 1:26 am

    I’m not happy about this, but what can I do, ya know? I’ll miss GFC. It was an easy – and super-quick – way to follow others’ blogs. And it was an easy way to see who all was following me. Oh, well.

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