November 8, 2016

OXxa4VEAs followers of this blog know, I am a (very) amateur history buff which enjoys reading about the US presidents and general history (especially WWII). Ever since I became a citizen I tried to vote in any election I can, because I believe the act of voting is a privilege and a good way to make your voice heard.

Not voting is NOT “sticking it to the system”!

The “system” will only infer that they didn’t get the vote out, not that you are dissatisfied. So go out and vote, it should only take a few minutes. If you don’t like any of the candidates (be it for president or dog catcher) write in someone of your choice to let them know of your dissatisfaction – but don’t waste this privilege which many people have fought hard for, some bled, and some died.

If you have kids, take them with you, the good folks at the elections board allow them to go behind the curtain with you. Give them a good civics lesson, allow them to “pull the lever” and participate in our representative democracy

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