Fun Facts Friday: Leo Tolstoy

September 9, 2016

Leo Tolstoy (9 September, 1828 – 20 November, 1910) was a Russian writer, who is viewed as one of the greatest authors of all time.

Fun Facts Friday: Leo Tolstoy
By Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky – Журнал “Записки Русского технического общества”, №8, 1908. Стр. 369.
Public Domain,

Books by Leo Tolstoy*

1) His full name is Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy.

2) Mr. Tolstoy had a reputation as a Christian anarchist, a revolutionary concept in tsarist Russia.

3) No surprise, the Russian secret police was watching him.

4) Tolstoy was excommunicated from the Russian Orthodox Church for contesting the Church’s authority.

5) Tolstoy failed miserably at being a farmer.

6) Tolstoy served in the Russian army during the Crimean War.

7) When his novel Anna Karenina became a success, Tolstoy found himself raking in money. To his wife’s chagrin he gave most of it to local beggars, believing that was the Christian thing to do.

8) Tolstoy kept a diary for his whole life, since he was 18.

9) Tolstoy knew at least six languages, evolved the Russian education system, made his own clothes, inspired the idea of non-violent resistance, and raised 13 children believed that his main character flaw was being lazy.

10) Tolstoy died at the Astapavo train station of pneumonia.

Books by Leo Tolstoy*

Zohar — Man of la Book.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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